'Good Partner' star Jang Na-ra says her 'negative perception' of divorce changed after show

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'Good Partner' star Jang Na-ra says her 'negative perception' of divorce changed after show



Some people think that a happy ending in a drama involves two characters falling in love and having a future together. But actor Jang Na-ra, who recently appeared in the SBS legal drama "Good Partner," which wrapped up on Sept. 20, says otherwise.
“I don’t necessarily think that a couple bearing fruit is the only happy ending,” Jang said to local reporters during an interview on Monday in Jongno District, central Seoul. “There are other ways to be good partners to each other, and there are emotions that can only be expressed when the relationship does not end in romantic ways.”

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“Good Partner” first aired on SBS on July 12 and showcased the strong chemistry between two female lawyer colleagues, emphasizing their professional relationship over any romantic connections they had with other characters.
Cast members of SBS drama ″Good Partner″ [SBS]

Cast members of SBS drama ″Good Partner″ [SBS]

Directed by Kim Ga-ram, known for the JTBC romantic drama “Nevertheless” (2021), and penned by the prominent divorce attorney Choi Yu-na, the 16-episode series revolves around various divorce cases at Law Firm Daejung.  
The series follows the journey of Jang’s character, Cha Eun-kyung, a coldhearted star divorce lawyer with 17 years of experience, alongside the warmhearted rookie lawyer Han Yu-ri, portrayed by Nam Ji-hyun. Despite their contrasting personalities, they depend on each other as they navigate various divorce cases, including Cha’s own marital crisis.
Jang expressed her gratitude to Nam for being such a "good partner."
“Like the title of the drama, she was a good partner, and I couldn’t have asked for a better partner. I called her ‘bok-dung-ee’ [meaning lump of luck]. She is like a well-grown tree, reliable and trustworthy.”
“I don’t have any want for awards, but a 'best couple award' with Nam is quite tempting.”


Jang also said Nam helped her overcome years of worry about improving her performance. “Thanks to Nam, I was able to try various ways to portray my character.”
Though Jang rarely cries, she found herself welling up during a scene where her character thanks Nam’s character for representing her in her divorce case.
“The scene showed Cha finalizing her divorce on a positive note and taking a step forward into a new life,” Jang said. “I cried a lot, weirdly, and Nam was crying too. I texted her that day to thank her, saying this was the happiest moment while filming the series.”
Since its debut, the series has enjoyed success, reaching a peak viewership of 17.7 percent.

Jang mentioned that her perspective on divorce changed while playing a divorce lawyer.
“I had a line in the last episode that really stuck with me: 'Whether divorce, non-marriage or marriage, whatever choice we make, we are just trying to make it work. And if it doesn’t, we make another choice,'” Jang said. “I used to hold a negative perception of divorce, but this line made me realize that having the courage to reset everything and make decisions for a better life is truly admirable.”


Regarding the possibility of a second season due to the show's popularity, Jang expressed her enthusiasm. “I would be more than happy to take part because I worked with such good people. But I cannot whine to our writer.”
Kim hopes to take on more diverse roles in the future, even considering playing the president.
“I have been getting a lust for some power,” Jang said. “So, I thought about what it would be like if I could play the president. A detective would be fun, too. I just want to take on any roles that are enjoyable.”

BY WOO JI-WON [woo.jiwon@joongang.co.kr]
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