Saudi embassy marks National Day with event highlighting growing ties with Korea

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Saudi embassy marks National Day with event highlighting growing ties with Korea

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Dignitaries including Korean Trade Minister Cheong In-kyo, second from left, and Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to Korea Sami M. Alsadhan, second from right, attend the Saudi Arabia National Day event at Seoul Dragon City in Yongsan District, central Seoul, on Monday. [EMBASSY OF SAUDI ARABIA]

Dignitaries including Korean Trade Minister Cheong In-kyo, second from left, and Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to Korea Sami M. Alsadhan, second from right, attend the Saudi Arabia National Day event at Seoul Dragon City in Yongsan District, central Seoul, on Monday. [EMBASSY OF SAUDI ARABIA]

The Embassy of Saudi Arabia marked the country's National Day on Monday with a commemorative event highlighting the growing ties between Korea and Saudi Arabia.
"We are celebrating today while Korean-Saudi relations are witnessing unprecedented development and growth that includes various fields within a comprehensive strategic partnership towards the future that aims for deeper, broader, and more comprehensive cooperation," said Saudi Arabian Ambassador to Korea Sami M. Alsadhan during the National Day event held at Seoul Dragon City in Yongsan District, central Seoul, on Monday.
"Ninety-four years have passed since the unification of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, full of gifts and sacrifices provided by our grandfathers and fathers and preserved by our sons and grandchildren," said Asadhan. "Congratulations to us and to the nation for these achievements that have consolidated the Kingdom’s status on the international scene, and it has become an active member of the largest global economic gathering known as the G20 under the slogan 'we dream and achieve' as an expression of the dreams that have been achieved and are still on the ground within the Kingdom’s ambitious vision 2030 with its main axes: a vibrant society, a thriving economy, and an ambitious nation; the features of which were drawn by His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz."
The National Day event was attended by the evening's guest of honor, Korea's Trade Minister Cheong In-kyo, and dignitaries from embassies and the business sector.  
Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to Korea Sami M. Alsadhan delivers a congratulatory speech during the Saudi Arabia National Day event at Seoul Dragon City in Yongsan District, central Seoul, on Monday. [EMBASSY OF SAUDI ARABIA]

Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to Korea Sami M. Alsadhan delivers a congratulatory speech during the Saudi Arabia National Day event at Seoul Dragon City in Yongsan District, central Seoul, on Monday. [EMBASSY OF SAUDI ARABIA]

Participants attend the Saudi Arabia National Day event at Seoul Dragon City in Yongsan District, central Seoul, on Monday. [EMBASSY OF SAUDI ARABIA]

Participants attend the Saudi Arabia National Day event at Seoul Dragon City in Yongsan District, central Seoul, on Monday. [EMBASSY OF SAUDI ARABIA]

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