Guatemala celebrates 203rd independence anniversary

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Guatemala celebrates 203rd independence anniversary

Dignitaries, including Ambassador of Guatemala Sara Solis Castaneda, front row center, pose for a photo at a reception at the Lotte Hotel in central Seoul recently to mark the 203rd anniversary of Guatemala's independence on Sept. 15, 1821. Attendees included Korean Deputy Minister for Multilateral and Global Affairs Kweon Ki-hwan, members of the diplomatic corps, representatives of academia, civil society and the Guatemalan community in Korea. Korea and Guatemala will celebrate 62 years of diplomatic relations next month. [EMBASSY OF GUATEMALA]

Dignitaries, including Ambassador of Guatemala Sara Solis Castaneda, front row center, pose for a photo at a reception at the Lotte Hotel in central Seoul recently to mark the 203rd anniversary of Guatemala's independence on Sept. 15, 1821. Attendees included Korean Deputy Minister for Multilateral and Global Affairs Kweon Ki-hwan, members of the diplomatic corps, representatives of academia, civil society and the Guatemalan community in Korea. Korea and Guatemala will celebrate 62 years of diplomatic relations next month. [EMBASSY OF GUATEMALA]

Dignitaries attended a reception at the Lotte Hotel in central Seoul earlier this month to mark the 203rd anniversary of Guatemala's independence on Sept. 15, 1821. 
Attendees included Ambassador of Guatemala Sara Solís Castañeda, Korean Deputy Minister for Multilateral and Global Affairs Kweon Ki-hwan, members of the diplomatic corps, representatives of academia, civil society and the Guatemalan community in Korea. 
Korea and Guatemala will celebrate 62 years of diplomatic relations next month.
Guatemala has a Korean community of over 7,000 people, the embassy said in a statement, the largest of its kind in Central America and the Caribbean, and the fourth largest in Latin America. Approximately 200 Korean companies operate in Guatemala.
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