2.9 magnitude earthquake hits northwestern North Korea: South’s weather agency

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2.9 magnitude earthquake hits northwestern North Korea: South’s weather agency

A photo from the Korea Meteorological Administration website shows the site where a 2.9 magnitude earthquake struck North Korea's northwestern province of Jagang on Thursday. [YONHAP]

A photo from the Korea Meteorological Administration website shows the site where a 2.9 magnitude earthquake struck North Korea's northwestern province of Jagang on Thursday. [YONHAP]

A 2.9 magnitude earthquake struck North Korea's northwestern province bordering China on Thursday, the South Korean weather agency said.


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The quake struck an area 26 kilometers (16 miles) southeast of Ryongrim, Jagang, at 11 a.m., with its epicenter at a latitude of 40.32 degrees north and a longitude of 126.86 degrees east and a depth of 27 kilometers, the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) said.
The earthquake is believed to have occurred naturally, it added.
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