Korean man kidnapped by criminal gang in Peru safely rescued

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Korean man kidnapped by criminal gang in Peru safely rescued

This image, captured from the Peruvian police agency's account on X, formerly Twitter, on Sept. 26, 2024, shows the rear window of a police car that was shattered by a grenade thrown by the kidnappers of a Korean man. [YONHAP]

This image, captured from the Peruvian police agency's account on X, formerly Twitter, on Sept. 26, 2024, shows the rear window of a police car that was shattered by a grenade thrown by the kidnappers of a Korean man. [YONHAP]

A Korean national who was kidnapped in Peru has been safely rescued, the foreign ministry said Thursday.

The man, abducted by members of a criminal ring in the Peruvian capital of Lima on Tuesday (local time), was rescued by local police authorities the following day, the ministry said.
The victim, who is in his 60s, was transferred to a hospital for treatment of non-life-threatening injuries, officials added.
According to Peru's interior ministry and police, three kidnappers were arrested while attempting to move to another location after demanding a large ransom.
A gunfight broke out in downtown Lima during the rescue operation, with a grenade being thrown at a police car, injuring one officer in the process.
Authorities believe the kidnappers, who are Venezuelan nationals, are part of a criminal ring.
The victim has been conducting business in Peru for a significant period of time.
Although Peru was once considered relatively safe, the country has seen a sharp rise in crime rates since the Covid-19 pandemic, driven by economic downturns and an influx of migrants.

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