Murder suspect arrested in Suncheon after allegedly stabbing high school student

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Murder suspect arrested in Suncheon after allegedly stabbing high school student

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A police logo [JOONGANG PHOTO]

A police logo [JOONGANG PHOTO]

Police said on Thursday that a murder suspect, who allegedly stabbed a female high school student, was caught in the downtown area of Suncheon, South Jeolla.
The suspect, in his 30s, was apprehended on charges of murder, according to the Suncheon Police Precinct.
He is accused of attacking the victim in a parking lot in Jorye-dong at around 12:44 a.m. on Thursday before going on the run.
The severely wounded victim was taken to a hospital but was later pronounced dead.
Police tracked the suspect down through surveillance camera footage and statements from witnesses.  
He was arrested at around 3 a.m. the same day while quarreling with another pedestrian. The police reported that he was under the influence of alcohol at the time of his arrest. 
Police found that he was living near the site of the stabbing.
A report from Yonhap News Agency stated that the suspect is denying his involvement in the murder. Additionally, the weapon used in the offense has not yet been found.

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