GS, LLM expert firm LlamaIndex open AI trend seminar to public for first time

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GS, LLM expert firm LlamaIndex open AI trend seminar to public for first time

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GS Group and LlamaIndex hold an event to share global AI trends at the GS Tower in southern Seoul on Thursday. [GS GROUP]

GS Group and LlamaIndex hold an event to share global AI trends at the GS Tower in southern Seoul on Thursday. [GS GROUP]

GS Group and San Francisco-based software company LlamaIndex held an event to share global AI trends on Thursday, in a bid to bring together AI engineers to share knowledge and collaborate on large language model (LLM) applications.
GS Group opened the annual event, previously limited to internal members, to the public for the first time this year, it said on Friday.
This year’s event was co-organized by the conglomerate’s internal community 52g, which leads digital transformation, and LlamaIndex. Over 100 participants, including 70 external AI engineers, attended “LlamaIndex & 52g-GenAI Connect Day" at the GS Tower in southern Seoul.
LlamaIndex is a software company that helps develop applications based on LLMs more easily, regarded as a leading Silicon Valley company in generative AI innovation.
It was the first time LlamaIndex held a workshop in Korea, following prior events in Tokyo and Paris.
The event was streamed through the education platform DeepLearning.AI, founded by Andrew Ng, a professor at Stanford University who also founded Google Brain.
Speakers included Pierre-Loic Doulcet, an engineer specializing in document analysis tools at LlamaIndex and Heo Hoon, tech lead of the personalized AI agent solution startup Liner. They shared insights on problem-solving strategies and operational approaches using LLMs.
Meanwhile, GS Group is pursuing innovation by adopting AI and digital transformation into its operations. The group is pursuing the initiatives through hackathons and collaborations of subsidiaries with digital transformation sectors under their wings.

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