International Travel Fair Busan kicks off

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International Travel Fair Busan kicks off

Visitors pose for a photo at the Taiwanese booth at the 2024 Busan International Travel Fair at the Bexco convention center on Friday. [YONHAP]

Visitors pose for a photo at the Taiwanese booth at the 2024 Busan International Travel Fair at the Bexco convention center on Friday. [YONHAP]

Visitors pose for a photo at the Taiwanese booth at the 2024 Busan International Travel Fair at the Bexco convention center on Friday.
The fair, running through Sunday, features booths on tourism promotion, travel packages and related services and products for travel both domestically and abroad, a world food festival and various shows and programs. More than 200 organizations from over 25 countries are participating in the event, which is hosted by the city of Busan and the Busan Tourism Organization.
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