EXO's Baekhyun donates 50 million won to support National Museum of Korea

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EXO's Baekhyun donates 50 million won to support National Museum of Korea

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Baekhyun [INB100]

Baekhyun [INB100]

Baekhyun of EXO donated 50 million won ($37,800) to the Friends of National Museum of Korea (FNMK), the singer’s agency, INB100, said Friday.
The singer made the donation back in January and revealed it Thursday after attending FNMK’s 50th-anniversary ceremony.

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The FNMK is a public organization that sponsors the National Museum of Korea to foster research, education and the management of exhibitions and relics.
Baekhyun’s donation will help to recover Korean artifacts that are currently overseas, according to the FNMK.
“I hope that the National Museum of Korea will be able to have a better exhibition environment and that our artifacts can fully return to their original place so that it can be shown to more people,” Baekhyun was quoted as saying in the news release.
Baekhyun, a member of boy band EXO, recently released his fourth solo EP, “Hello, World,” which sold more than 1.09 million physical copies in its first week of release.
To learn more about Baekhyun, visit Celeb Confirmed

BY SHIN MIN-HEE [shin.minhee@joongang.co.kr]
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