Jeju environmental forum focuses on 'zero plastic' by 2040

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Jeju environmental forum focuses on 'zero plastic' by 2040

Participants pose for a commemorative photo at the opening ceremony of the Jeju Plus International Environment Forum 2024 on Thursday at the Booyoung Hotel & Resort in Jeju. [JEJU SPECIAL SELF-GOVERNING PROVINCE]

Participants pose for a commemorative photo at the opening ceremony of the Jeju Plus International Environment Forum 2024 on Thursday at the Booyoung Hotel & Resort in Jeju. [JEJU SPECIAL SELF-GOVERNING PROVINCE]

The two-day Jeju Plus International Environment Forum 2024 kicked off Thursday at the Booyoung Hotel & Resort in Jeju.  
Environment leaders, groups, experts, NGOs and governments took part in the event hosted by the Ministry of Environment, Unesco and the Jeju Special Self-Governing Provincial Government.  
The forum addressed the theme, “Our challenge for zero plastic in 2040.”
It comes ahead of the final meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for the drafting of the UN Convention on the Prevention of Plastic Pollution, to be held in Busan in November, an opportunity to assess global progress towards ending plastic pollution by 2040.
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