공수처장, 윤 대통령 체포 무산 사과
Published: 14 Jan. 2025, 16:20
![Oh Dong-woon, chief of the Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials (CIO) attends a meeting of the National Assembly's Legislative and Judiciary Committee at the parliament complex in Yeouido, western Seoul, on Jan. 7. [YONHAP]](https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/data/photo/2025/01/14/9ee16d4a-1161-4e1b-9cc3-a8e5f0e66709.jpg)
Oh Dong-woon, chief of the Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials (CIO) attends a meeting of the National Assembly's Legislative and Judiciary Committee at the parliament complex in Yeouido, western Seoul, on Jan. 7. [YONHAP]
CIO chief apologizes for failed attempt to arrest Yoon
공수처장, 윤 대통령 체포 무산 사과
Korea JoongAng Daily 1면 기사
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
The chief of the Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials (CIO) on Tuesday apologized for the agency’s failed attempt to execute a warrant to detain impeached President Yoon Suk Yeol last week and vowed to "thoroughly prepare" for a second attempt. CIO chief Oh Dong-woon’s apology came as he appeared for a questioning session at the National Assembly’s Legislation and Judiciary Committee meeting, held at the parliament in Yeouido, western Seoul.
failed: 실패한
execute: 집행하다, 실행하다
thoroughly: 철두철미하게, 철저히
오동운 고위공직자범죄수사처장은 화요일 (1월 7일) 탄핵된 윤석열 대통령에 대한 체포영장 집행 실패에 대해 사과하며 2차 영장 집행을 “철두철미하게 준비할 것”이라고 말했다. 오 공수처장은 이날 여의도 국회 법제사법위원회 현안 질의에서 사과를했다.
Oh vowed that the joint investigative headquarters — comprised of the CIO, the police and the Defense Ministry — would “exert every effort” in the second attempt to execute the warrant and “accomplish its goal.” The first arrest warrant against Yoon, issued by the Seoul Western District Court, expired on Monday.
comprise: 구성하다, 참여하다
expire: 만료되다
오 처장은 2차 영장 집행 과정에서 “목적을 달성할 수 있도록” 경찰·공수처·국방부가 참여하는 공조수사본부(공조본) 차원에서 “최선을 다하겠다”고 말했다. 서울서부지방법원이 발부한 윤 대통령에 대한 첫 번째 체포영장 기한은 월요일 (1월 6일) 만료됐다.
“As the CIO chief, I feel heartbroken and deeply sorry to the public for failing to execute an arrest warrant that was justly issued by the judiciary, thereby damaging the rule of law,” Oh said.
judiciary: 사법부
just: 정당하다, 공정하다
rule of law: 법치주의
오 처장은 “사법부가 정당하게 발부한 체포영장이 제대로 집행되지 못해 법치주의가 훼손되는 모습을 보이게 한 점에 대해 공수처장으로서 매우 가슴 아프게 생각하고 국민들한테 매우 죄송하게 생각한다”고 말했다.
Liberal Democratic Party Rep. Jung Chung-rae, chair of the National Assembly’s Legislation and Judiciary Committee, criticized the CIO, saying it should have attempted to execute the warrant after “thorough preparation and plan.” Oh responded by saying his agency had "done its best" within the framework of the joint investigative headquarters. “However, there were many incidents that we did not anticipate and eventually failed,” Oh said.
preparation: 대비하다
anticipate: 예측하다, 예상하다
더불어민주당 소속 정청래 법제사법위원장은 공수처가 “충분히 대비하고 예비하며” 영장을 집행했어야 했다고 비판했다. 오 처장은 공조본 차원에서 “최선을 다했으나 준비 과정에서 예측하지 못한 부분이 많이 발생했고 결과적으로 실패했다”고 말했다.
In their first attempt to execute the arrest warrant on Friday, investigators from the CIO and police were stopped around 200 meters (656 feet) from the residence by a scrum of 200 officials from the Presidential Security Service (PSS) and the military.
residence: 관저, 자택
지난 금요일 1차 영장 집행에서 공수처와 경찰 특별수사단은 대통령 관저 건물 200m 앞까지 갔지만 대통령경호처와 군인 200명이 스크럼을 짜고 막았다.
The police’s National Office of Investigation (NOI) dispatched 120 investigators, supported by 2,700 officers from the Police Mobile Unit for safety reasons. Out of 150 CIO and police investigators, only three managed to approach the residence and meet Yoon’s attorneys.
dispatch: 배치하다, 파견하다, 보내다
investigator: 검사, 수사관
국가수사본부는 특수단 120명과 관저 인근 안전 문제를 이유로 추가 경찰 인력 2700여명을 배치했다. 체포영장 집행에 나선 공수처와 특수단 인원 150명 중 검사 3명만 관저 앞에서 윤 대통령의 변호인과 만났다.
After a standoff of around five and half hours, the CIO and the police halted the execution of the arrest warrant due to “concerns over the safety of personnel dispatched to the site.”
halt: 중지하다, 멈추다
다섯 시간 반 동안 대치 끝에 공수처와 경찰은 “현장 인원의 안전이 우려된다”면서 영장의 집행을 중단했다.
WRITTEN BY CHO JUNG-WOO AND TRANSLATED BY SARAH KIM [[email protected], [email protected]]
with the Korea JoongAng Daily
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