&#91LETTERS TO THE EDITOR&#93Home, sweet home - for advertising

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&#91LETTERS TO THE EDITOR&#93Home, sweet home - for advertising

My house is located near a main street and is easily accessible to pedestrians, so the walls around my home are favorite spots for posting advertisements. The entire wall is pasted with advertisements from all over Seoul: pizza, chicken, Chinese food, stores ― you name it. My neighbors might as well walk up to my home and read the phone numbers and directions for information. Even the mailbox is lost behind the advertisements!
No, I do not like them. And yes, I remove them. But the glue takes off some of the paint when I pull down the ads, and some just refuse to come off. Then I have to paint the wall again, wasting more time and money.
Advertisers, please, stop making my house and many other homes your own billboard to exploit.

by Park Seung-ho
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