Korea’s new state seal makes its public debut

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Korea’s new state seal makes its public debut


After months of preparation, the new 9.9 centimeter by 9.9 centimeter (about 4 inch by 4 inch) state seal of Korea was unveiled yesterday in Sancheong, South Gyeongsang.
Seal Master Min Hong-gyu, an artisan known for recreating royal seals, and three assistants have been working to create the seal since April. A crack was found on the current state seal in 2005.
The seal, made of a gold alloy, bears a knob in the shape of a phoenix on the top and the Korean letters “Daehanminguk,” meaning Republic of Korea, carved in the original font style of the language, which was created in 1443.
The ministry chose the winning design after reviewing 38 submissions last year. The seal will be used for official government documents starting in February 2008, according to the agency. [YONHAP]
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