Looking back at 200 issues of Dynamic Busan

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Looking back at 200 issues of Dynamic Busan



"If I were an expat, how could I get the newest and hottest information about Busan?"
Busan City's English-language newspaper started with the above question in mind. We put ourselves in the shoes of foreigners either living in or visiting Busan.
On the back of its ever-rising global status, the number of foreigners in Korea's No.1 port city is increasing exponentially. In this regard, there arose a need to create a new media outlet that could proactively promote the city. As a result, Dynamic Busan was born.
Now, nine years and 11 months since its birth, it is celebrating its 200th issue.
When the first eight-page issue was created in July 2005, 15,000 copies were published.
Ever since then, Dynamic Busan has endeavored to be a good messenger, delivering news about the city's overseas exchange status and international events while providing useful content on major tourism sites, good eats and activities. It also became an outlet where readers could voice their opinions through columns and interviews.
The paper was met with unparalleled enthusiasm.
During the APEC Summit or Busan International Film Festival (BIFF), special issues were distributed at BEXCO and major hotels. These copies ran out in no time, proving the popularity of the paper. Dynamic Busan cemented its stature as "the most convenient and accurate medium" that introduces the city whenever it is hosting global events such as the BIFF, ITU Plenipotentiary Conference and World Water Forum.
At the same time, its reputation went viral among foreign communities. The newspaper dispenses must-know information for expats, such as tips on food, visas and educational programs. As a result, for the last three years consecutively, it has maintained a more than 96 percent satisfaction rate among readers.
For instance, it featured the top 10 attractions of Busan, eateries favored by foreigners, local beaches like Haeundae and Songjeong and Korean classes. It also gave guidance on experiential programs and diverse festivals where locals and foreigners can mingle and enjoy.
In a nutshell, Dynamic Busan has been striving to communicate with its readers so that they can be up to date on the latest and most relevant news.
"I appreciate your paper. It's really helpful and informative for Busanites. Dynamic Busan covers just about everything about Busan and it constantly improves the city for citizens," commented one of the readers.
Readers have also bombarded us with advice, opinions and criticism, as well as positive feedback. This kind of support and interest has compelled the publishers to make better newspapers.
As we celebrate the 200th issue in June, we aim to listen to our readers more, in order to provide useful, fresh and extraordinary articles.
Down the road, we will become a better sounding board for our readers by meeting them at events such as Global Gathering. Also, we will come closer to expat communities by expanding distribution sites and recruiting non-Korean reporters. Stay tuned!


Celebratory messages on Facebook for Dynamic Busan's 200th issue


Kevin Baker(Head of Busan International Foreign School)

Sue Wiid (South Africa)
Congratulations on the publication of your 200th issue of Dynamic Busan!
My school subscribes to the paper and I really enjoy taking some time to read through the paper and to see what is happening in Busan.
All the sections are very informative and I love all the information that is given in each article to make our lives a little easier. My favorite section however, is the Enjoy Busan section. It always has nice articles with loads of information about things to do in Busan.
Keep up the good work!


Busan International Foreign School (BIFS) serves as one of the city39s major expat communities where foreign students in Busan can bond. It keeps a close tie with Dynamic Busan.

Katerina Lygkoni (Greece)
I love Busan and it is my favorite place in Korea. Busan is a city which has light and people are happier there. The city is located near the sea, and it has both modernity and the tradition. While I was staying at Silla University in Busan, I experienced this.
Dynamic Busan is a dynamic bridge connecting foreign citizens and visitors with Busan and the local citizens. Keep up the good job!

Virendra Rathod (India)
Congratulations on reaching a milestone of the 200th issue. I read your online newspaper and it makes it very easy for travelers to get to know about the latest happenings and events going in Busan!

Nong Nymnual (Thailand)
Congratulations on the 200th issue! Your information is always useful. It helps me a lot to update Busan news. I had once read your hard copy when I went to Busan. It's really great to have an experience to read the real one since I usually read it online because I live overseas.

Dima Volo (Canada)
I really was impressed with the newspaper. Well done! I happened to see this paper in a high-end cafe in Haeundae. I thought it would be full of fluff, but actually it had interesting stories about Busan. I was pleasantly surprised, especially since there were no English mistakes.

Supriya Kodikal (India)
Congratulations on reaching the 200th issue, Dynamic Busan. It's indeed a great privilege to read it as it tempts you more and more to visit Busan and enjoy its feel.

Marianella Vilchez (Peru)
Many hugs and congratulations to Dynamic Busan on the 200th issue! It's always interesting to read it, because it has excellent and useful information about the Busan City and there are exciting and unique events every year. Also, it's very gratifying to visit the sites it recommended. The cultural experience I had was enjoyable and unforgettable.

Shin Ju-myeong (Korea)
I'm Korean who really like arts, people, and travel... something fun and interesting. I work as a staff member at a hostel, and we try to provide Dynamic Busan to our guests. I think it serves as a good channel for all people in Busan.

Miki Naik (United States)
Since I came to Korea, Dynamic Busan has been incredibly helpful in letting me know what's going in my exciting new home! Congratulations on your 200th issue!

Michelle Werlau (United States)
Whenever I find some place carrying a copy, I always pick it up! I appreciate all the articles about what's going on in the city, little events, and the food highlights (food articles are always my favorite!) Thanks so much for providing a welcomed and informative paper! Congrats and great job!

Bobby McGill (United States)
Congratulations on the 200th issue. It is a great accomplishment and it is a reflection of hard work and dedication. I appreciate what you do, the information that you have provided over the years and how it makes living in Busan a more enriching experience. All the best to the Dynamic Busan team in the future.

Bishal Rai (Nepal)
Busan and I have a history in Korea. Congratulations on reaching a milestone journey of the 200th issue. You are doing a wonderful job sharing up-to-date, breaking news. The paper gives us lots of the latest, valuable information. So, always keep this spirit up because we want more and more! All the best along with best wishes.

Claudia Birzale (Romania)
Congratulations on reaching your 200th issue, Dynamic Busan! Keep up the good work and big thanks for all the interesting things that I read online! It always tells me about good ways to see, feel, discover and enjoy Busan City.

congratulatory MESSAGE
Dynamic Busan?an oasis for expat news

Dynamic Busan?an oasis for expat newsCongratulations to the entire staff of "Dynamic Busan" on this milestone achievement with their 200th edition! What an amazing accomplishment! Bravo!
Dynamic Busan is a tremendous resource of valuable information that is not otherwise accessible to the vibrant expat community in Busan.
For foreign visitors and expats alike, Dynamic Busan serves as our oasis of information. It is a place we can trust and gather around to learn about all of the incredible activities that our wonderful city continuously provides.
It is an important vehicle that proactively bridges a potential communications gap for foreigners by providing valuable information that foreigners want and need.
With articles from historic sites to festivals and events, it provides a panoramic view of life in Busan and highlights how the community can get involved.
It continues to be a "must read" for the international community in Busan and has continued to get better and better with each edition.
Personally, as a new foreigner and expatriate to call Busan my home, I anxiously await each new edition, eager to learn about the latest events, places I have yet to discover as well as enjoy the cleverly written articles and see the colorful and engaging pictures and vibrant layouts. This newspaper is the perfect showcase for our incredible city!
At BIFS, a melting pot of people from diverse background and culture, students and teachers get news and information from Dynamic Busan. Also the newspaper acts as a communication channel so that expat communities can get an easy access to the news about the BIFS.
On behalf of the entire Busan International Foreign School community, congratulations to everyone at Dynamic Busan, on this 200th edition. I really hope to share the life and charm of Busan with the world through this unique newspaper, Dynamic Busan!


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