Kang Hyung-wook steps down from TV show

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Kang Hyung-wook steps down from TV show


Dog trainer Kang Hyung-wook will step down from his role on the EBS show “There is No Bad Dog in the World.”

Kang, known as the “President of the Dogs” in Korea for his ability to communicate with dogs, has been on the program since September 2015. He traveled around the country training dogs and helping to change the owners’ attitudes toward their furry housemates.

“I was at the last shooting today. It has been such a pleasure,” wrote Kang. “Even though I am stepping down, I hope you will all put forward your support and love for the program.”

The 33-year-old dog trainer gained fame for his incredible connection with dogs. He was renowned for his ability to change their behavior and move audiences’ hearts at the same time. He is currently running Bodeum, a company in Gyeonggi that helps pet owners get along with their troublesome dogs.

By Yoon So-yeon
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