Shin Yong-jae to start his military duty

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Shin Yong-jae to start his military duty


28-year-old singer Shin Yong-jae of duo 4Men is scheduled to enlist in the military on July 5, according to his agency Major9 on Monday.

“Shin will enter a training camp in Nonsan, [South Chungcheong]. He will be serving his mandatory service as a public service worker, and we will not hold any special events,” said the agency.

The agency revealed that Shin will be fulfilling his duty as public service worker in spite of a past knee injury.

All able-bodied Korean men are required to complete about 20 months of military service before the age of 35.

The singer last released an album titled “Remember Me” with his partner Kim Won-joo in October last year, and held a concert titled “Stand by me” in Daegu, North Gyeongsang on May 19 this year.

By Sung Ji-eun
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