The weakened trade system will be dealt a fatal blow by Trump’s return.
We must thoroughly review what we can yield and what we can’t and devise an effective strategy to survive the stormy de-globalization era.
Korea and Britain kicked off the third round of negotiations Monday to upgrade their bilateral FTA in response to changing global trade and business circumstances, the trade ministry said.
Korea and Chile will hold another round of talks on revising their free trade agreement (FTA) in response to changing global trade circumstances, the Industry Ministry said Wednesday.
Korea completed negotiations with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on a free trade deal following a summit in Abu Dhabi in January.
Korea is pushing to clinch free trade agreements with seven emerging and high-potential nations, including Kenya and Thailand, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy said Friday.
The Korea Customs Service has been focusing on three areas to help ease the customs bottlenecks for Korean exporters.
Growing protectionist policies and evolving regional trade dynamics are both a challenge and an opportunity for Chile and Korea, the first two countries to ink a free trade agreement between the Americas and the Indo-Pacific, said Mathias Francke...
Seoul will apply to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) in April, just before the end of the Moon Jae-in administration.
Korea and Uzbekistan on Monday vowed to speed up preparations for a possible FTA, which will pave the way for deeper economic ties and exchanges.
Korea JoongAng Daily Sitemap