“Inside Out 2,” the sequel to the hit Pixar Studios animation “Inside Out” (2015), will open in Korea in the summer next year, the Walt Disney Company Korea announced Friday.
I hope the two parties will pay tribute to the victims together and resume the review of the special act to find the truth and prevent any recurrences.
The release date for “Triangle of Sadness,” which won the Palme d’Or at last year’s Cannes Film Festival, has been set for domestic theaters in Korea. The satirical black comedy by Swedish director Ruben Östlund will be released on May 17...
Actor Kim Mi-soo from JTBC drama series “Snowdrop” has died, according to her agency Landscape Entertainment Wednesday. She was 29. “Kim suddenly left us on Jan. 5,” the agency said in a statement. “The bereaved are deep in their sorrow at the...
Korea JoongAng Daily Sitemap