Death penalty upheld in serial killer verdict

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Death penalty upheld in serial killer verdict

Upholding a lower court ruling, the Supreme Court confirmed the death sentence on Yoo Yeong-cheol, convicted of killing 20 people.
Mr. Yoo, 35, was arrested July 15 last year and tried and found guilty of killing elderly Seoul residents and women involved in the sex trade between September 2003 to July last year. He was also convicted of burying 11 bodies.
After the lower court sentenced Mr. Yoo to death, the prosecution appealed, claiming he was responsible for an unsolved murder in February last year in Seoul. Mr. Yoo claimed he killed a 24-year-old woman in small ally in Dongdaemun. During his trial, however, he retracted his statement.
In yesterday’s ruling, the Supreme Court ended the prosecution’s appeal.
With the verdict upheld, 60 convicts in Korea are awaiting execution.
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