Autopsy confirms actress’ suicide

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Autopsy confirms actress’ suicide

Actress Jeong Da-bin took her own life, the National Institute of Scientific Investigation confirmed yesterday. The institute conducted an autopsy on the 27-year-old actress yesterday afternoon, requested by her family and a management agency.
“There was no sign of murder on the body, but multiple signs of suicide were found,” said Seo Jun-seok, senior director of the institute’s forensic medicine department. In a briefing after the autopsy, Mr. Seo said the institute reached the conclusion that she hanged herself.
After Ms. Jeong was found hanged on Saturday morning at her boyfriend’s apartment in southern Seoul, police concluded that she took her own life. But her family members requested a further investigation, arguing she had no reason to end her life. The autopsy was conducted with family members present.
Ms. Jeong debuted as an actress in 2000, starring in a 2003 TV drama and a 2004 comedy movie.
The actress will be cremated today. The remains will be placed at Cheonga Park in Ilsan, Gyeonggi province.

By Kim Soe-jung Staff Writer
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