Korea"s Oldest Fiction Film Discovered

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Korea"s Oldest Fiction Film Discovered

'Shimchungjun' (The Story of Sim-chung), the oldest known Korean fictional film, directed by Ahn Suk-yeoung in 1937, will be displayed to the public after having been discovered recently in Russia's National Film Archive.
The main characters in the film are played by Suk Keum-sung and Kim So-yeoung. It is a 35mm black and white film 12 minutes long, and some parts are lost, but this does not diminish its importance as the oldest known Korean film.
The Korean Film Archive will screen four old films at its center in the the Seoul Art Center at 2:00 pm on August 19: 'Shimchungjun'; 'Uhhwa' (Fisherman's Fire), directed by Ahn Chul-young in 1939; 'HyeolgwaHan' (Blood and Dirt), directed by Shin Kyeoung-Kyun in 1949; and another film, details of which have not been released.
After the screenings, a professor at Sangmyung University will lead a discussion on the significance and value of disinterring these earliest examples of experiments with the moving image.

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