Resurrection of 'Holt Spirit'

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Resurrection of 'Holt Spirit'

Many Koreans are increasing their support of orphans and those who are handicapped as the 'Holt Spirit' spreads over Korea.

The Ilsan Holt Welfare Town and Seoul Holt Chlidren's Service have been busy receiving applications and questions from people interested in working as volunteers or supporters. On the homepage ( of the Holt International Children's Service, the number of letters that praise Bertha Holt's lifetime of service to Korea has increased as well.

According to the Holt Welfare Town, the normal number of applicants (3-4 per week) for volunteer positions has increased to 30 people per day.

Kim Kyung-joo (45), the section chief of the Holt planning administration, said, "The number of applications increased after Mrs. Holt's death on July 31. I guess many people were moved by the story of the Holt family's lifetime of service."

Lee Joo-yong (36), who recently decided to donate 10,000 won every month to the Holt Service, said, "How can Koreans remain indifferent to their own people's needs when foreigners spend their lives helping unfortunate Korean orphans and handicapped people?"

Currently, Holt Welfare Town is receiving approximately 20,000,000 won per month from 4,000 supporters in Korea. An additional 400 volunteers help do the laundry, cleaning and to prepare meals for disabled people.

On August 8, 200 Korean citizens visited Bertha Holt's mortuary in Koyang, Kyunggi Province in honor of her lifetime commitment to South Korea.

by Jeon Ik-jin

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