University Lectures Split 75-15

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University Lectures Split 75-15

Korean universities are introducing a new class scheduling system. Instead of the previous lecture hour split into 50 minutes of actual lecture time with a 10 minute break, universities are now toying with the idea of a 90-minute lecture with a 75-15 split. This new system would make lecture times more effective, and since many students have consecutive classes, it would allow students ample time to get to their next class or give professors more flexibility.
Sogang University in Seoul has been operating with this 75-15 system since the beginning of the 1998 fall semester after some professors demanded longer class blocks. Students are now used to the system but some grumblings could be heard at the beginning. Some of them said they were confused with the new system and some of them said it was too much of a change. At the time, the school paper survey showed that 63 percent of those polled said that classes were "too long."
Top-ranked Korea University also started the longer 75-15 class system as of this year's spring semester but still incorporates the previous 50-10 lecture hour. Odd-numbered lecture blocks, such as the first and third periods were 75-minute classes and the even-numbered class periods continued to be the traditional 50-10 class.
Some Korea University students are complaining about the confusion and crowding in school cafeterias at 12:45 p.m., a time that used to be the end of lunchtime. Identifed only as Mr.Kim, a third-year student at the univerisity is quoted as saying, "There wasn't any open discussion or assessment period of the new lecture system. It's going to take a long time for people to adjust to it."
Other schools employing this new time system since 1999, among which are the competitive Seoul National University, Ewha Woman's University, and Sungshin Women's University, have admitted that there was some confusion in the early stages but school officials say the system is running smoothly now.
Professor Han Chong-suk of Seoul National Univeristy said, "The new system is well suited to seminars and discussions. But with the former schedule, two consecutive classes were 2 hours split into 100 minutes of lecture and a 20 minute pause. This new system feels and is a bit shorter."

by Shin Yong-ho

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