A change in grading students

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A change in grading students

An announcement by the government that it plans to switch the grading system for the country’s middle and high schools from the current relative evaluation - or a grading system based on a curve - to an absolute evaluation with the inclusion of an F, meaning “failure,” by 2014 has grabbed the attention of students and parents nationwide.

Although a final decision remains to be made, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology unveiled its plan yesterday, calling the change “inevitable.”

If the new system is adopted, the current system of grading high school students based on a curve in nine different levels would change to six levels of absolute evaluation ranging from A to F, where A is the top score.

Middle schools would adopt a system of six different levels of absolute evaluation from their current five-level grading based on a curve.

Students above 90 percent of achievement rating would receive an A, while B would be for above 80, C for above 70, D for above 60, E for above 60 percent and F for those below.

The proposal was presented by the Korean Educational Development Institute (KEDI) yesterday at a policy forum. The KEDI said in explanation that the current evaluation, which rates students’ performance on a scale of one to nine after listing the students in the order of merit, encourages students to have private education due to fierce competition.

The KEDI said the new system would raise the academic achievements of all students because students who receive an F would have to retake the class. Students who receive an F would be those who are from 30 percent to 50 percent below the set academic achievement - the standard is yet to be determined.

The current system allows students to graduate once they have completed the course, regardless of grades.

Students would be able to retake a class they have failed; schools also would hold summer or winter session or after-school studies to help students who fail. A trial run will start next school year for certain subjects. If the new absolute system were to be implemented, however, some education observers see it as inevitable that there would be an attempt to inflate grades.

By Yim Seung-hye [enational@joongang.co.kr]

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시안에 따르면 고교 내신이 현행 9등급 상대평가에서 A-B-C-D-E-F 의 6단계 절대평가로 전환된다. 내신 9등급제에선 과목별 등수(석차)에 따라 상위 4%까지 1등급, 누적 11%까지는 2등급을 주는 식으로 등급을 매겼지만 절대평가로 바뀌면 학생 개인의 성취수준을 기준으로 평가한다. 또 올해 초등 4학년이 중학생이 되는 2014년부터는 중학교도 현행 수·우·미·양·가 방식의 5단계에서 6단계(A~F) 절대평가로 바뀐다. 성취율이 90% 이상이면 A, 80% 이상은 B, 70% 이상은 C, 60% 이상은 D를 받고 60% 미만은 E 또는 F를 받는다.

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