North told to improve human rights

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North told to improve human rights

As the popular pro-democracy, pro-human rights uprising in the Middle East is putting a strain on dictatorships in other parts of the world, South Korea called upon North Korea to cooperate with the international community to improve its human rights conditions.

During a speech at a high-level session of the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva on Monday, Min Dong-seok, a South Korean second vice foreign minister, said North Korea’s human rights conditions deserve attention, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

“The South Korean government also shares the deep concern of the international community over the serious human rights situation in Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, said Min in the speech after expressing concerns about Libya’s crackdown on protesters.

“We believe that the human rights situation in the DPRK warrants the continued attention of the Human Rights Council, including the renewal of the mandate of the Special Rapporteur [U.N. special reporter] on human rights in the DPRK,” he said.

The food shortage in North Korea, stemming partly from ill-managed economic policies and a military-first ideology that places military power ahead of the well-being of the public, has worsened in recent months, according to reports.

Free North Korea Radio, a Seoul-based media, reported yesterday that a rumor is circulating in the North that some North Koreans overcome with hunger are killing and eating people, which also happened in the 1990s.

To help improve food conditions, the North suggested dialogue with the South earlier this year including a proposal for family reunions.

But the inter-Korean relationship was disrupted after the breakdown of the military talks early February.

Min urged the North to cooperate on solving issues of separated families and of South Koreans still being held in the North.

“Given the urgency of these issues, it is the sincere hope of the Republic of Korea that the DPRK will fully cooperate with us to reach solutions as early as possible,” he said.

By Moon Gwang-lip []

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