Lee breaks ground on nuclear plant in UAE

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Lee breaks ground on nuclear plant in UAE

President Lee Myung-bak yesterday lauded the safety and competence of Korea’s nuclear energy technology at a groundbreaking ceremony for an atomic power plant in the United Arab Emirates.

During Lee’s previous visit in December 2009, Korea signed a contract to build four nuclear reactors in the petroleum-rich Gulf state. Yesterday’s groundbreaking ceremony took place at the proposed site of the nuclear power plant in Braka, about 300 kilometers (186 miles) west of Abu Dhabi. Lee and UAE dignitaries attended the event.

“Korean companies will build world-class nuclear reactors in the UAE,” Lee was quoted as saying by the Blue House. “The project will be another opportunity for the two countries to further solidify their relationship.”

Lee assured the audience of the safety and efficiency of Korea’s nuclear reactors. “I believe Korea’s nuclear reactor technology will be a good model for the Middle East,” Lee said.

Safety of nuclear power plants has become a global issue as Japan tries to control its out-of-control reactors in Fukushima Prefecture after last Friday’s mega-earthquake and tsunami.

According to the Blue House, Lee signed a memorial to be placed in a time capsule at the construction site. Muhammad bin Zayed al-Nahyan, the crown prince of Abu Dhabi, accompanied Lee.

The crown prince said nuclear energy cooperation has served as a stepping stone for the two countries’ partnership, and he proposed that ties be further developed based on mutual trust.

On Sunday, UAE President Sheik Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahayan conferred the Zayed Order on President Lee during a meeting at Al Mushrif Palace in Abu Dhabi, Blue House spokeswoman Kim Hee-jung said yesterday.

“It is the highest honor given by the UAE to a foreign leader for friendly and cooperative ties,” Kim said.

Wrapping up his schedule in Abu Dhabi, Lee traveled to Dubai in the afternoon and attended a meeting with Korean residents. About 6,200 Koreans currently live in the UAE, and 150 attended the event.

Korea’s exchanges with the UAE grew rapidly with the economic development of Dubai and Abu Dhabi. About 1,000 Koreans lived in the UAE in 2000, but the number has rapidly increased with more Korean companies entering the market.

Lee also met with Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, vice president and prime minister of the UAE and ruler of Dubai.

Lee was scheduled to receive the Zayed International Prize for the Environment for his global leadership on environmental issues and sustainable development.

The award was established in 1999 by Sheikh Mohammed in recognition of the environmental vision and achievements of the late former UAE president, Sheik Zayed bin Sultan al-Nahyan.

By Ser Myo-ja [myoja@joongang.co.kr]

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이는 우리나라가 지금까지 참여한 유전개발 사업 가운데 가장 컸던 '베트남 15-1 광구'의 규모를 10배 이상 뛰어넘는 역대 최대규모로 기록됐다.

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이에 힘입어 우리나라의 석유.가스 자주개발률도 10.8%에서 15%로 확대되면서 에너지 주권의 상징이자 이 대통령의 공약사항인 임기내 자주개발률 20% 달성이 이제 실현 가능한 목표로 다가왔다.

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자이드 환경상 수상을 통해 '친환경 리더'의 이미지를 재확인한 점도 성과다.

자이드 환경상은 사막국가인 UAE의 녹화사업을 추진한 셰이크 자이드 빈 술탄 알 나흐얀 전 대통령의 공적을 기리고자 지난 2001년 창설된 상으로 환경 분야에서 세계적 업적을 이룬 지도자들에게 수여하는 상이다.

이 대통령은 '녹색성장'을 국가의 주요 정책으로 채택하고 글로벌녹색성장연구소(GGGI)를 설립하는 등 친환경 성장을 장려한 공로를 인정받았다.

이 대통령은 지난 2009년 12월 첫 UAE 방문 때의 성과인 브라카 원자력발전소 부지 건설 기공식에도 참석해 안전성에 중점을 둔 원전 건설을 약속했다.

UAE 원전공사는 우리나라의 첫 원전수출 사례로, 운영대금을 포함해 총 400억 달러 규모로 추산되는 대규모 프로젝트다.

알 아인 특수전학교에 파견된 아크부대를 이 대통령이 직접 찾아 격려한 것도 의미가 적지 않다. 취임 이후 첫 해외 파병부대 방문이기 때문이다.

이 대통령은 다국적군 파병이 아닌 최초의 양자간 국방협력 차원의 파병인 아크 부대가 민간 외교관의 역할을 함으로써 좋은 선례를 남길 것을 당부했다.

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