Seven treasures for a burning beauty

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Seven treasures for a burning beauty


Name: Incense burner (Celadon with openwork design)

Period: 12th century Goryeo Dynasty

Location: National Museum of Korea, Fine Arts Gallery

Status: National Treasure No. 95

This incense burner not only represents the best quality of Goryeo celadon, it has also been displayed at international exhibitions. It comprises a burner to hold incense, a knob-shaped cover with a latticework design and a celadon plate to support the burner.

A hole in the center of the burner allows smoke to escape. Above it, there is a curved knob incised with the seven treasures of Buddhism.

Composed of various shapes that allow the incense burner to function to its capacity and with various techniques such as incising, engraving, inlaying and embossing, this masterpiece is a beautiful work of art.

*The photos and text for Treasure Trove are provided by the National Museum of Korea. For more information, call (02) 2077-9000 or visit
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