Vettel vows not to coast through end of season

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Vettel vows not to coast through end of season


From left bottom, Ferrari driver Fernando Alonso of Spain, Red Bull driver Sebastian Vettel of Germany, McLaren driver Lewis Hamilton of Britain, Williams driver Pastor Maldonado of Venezuela, Toro Rosso driver Jaime Alguersuari of Spain and Sauber driver Sergio Perez of Mexico attend the press conference for Sunday’s Formula One Korean Grand Prix at the Korean International Circuit in Yeongam, South Jeolla, yesterday. [YONHAP]

YEONGAM, South Jeolla - Champion driver Sebastian Vettel said yesterday that he and his Red Bull team are still putting themselves under pressure to finish the season in style with the Korean Grand Prix in their sights.

The 24-year-old German clinched his second drivers’ title in a row at Suzuka last weekend - setting the team up to retain their constructors’ crown this weekend in Korea.

Vettel said their success will not change anything and they will continue to do the best possible job in all the remaining races.

“We love racing and the moment you come to a race thinking it doesn’t matter where you finish is moment you stay at home,” he said.

“The championship was the ultimate target. Reaching that before the end of the season is not the usual but nevertheless we come here with pressure. “The approach will remain the same. It was a tough venue for me last year ... I’ve never been on podium here.”


Vettel suffered a difficult race in Japan as he struggled with the degradation of softer tires, but said the team have worked to fix the problem and is hopeful a new, more aggressive tire strategy will work in Korea.

“It is true that in other races we always had the luxury to go a lap longer or two but had to pit for strategy reasons, whereas in Suzuka we were the ones pulling into pits first,” he said.

“We have a good chance to understand more about tires, as the tire approach this weekend is very, very aggressive, so not sure how many stops we will see, surely more than two, maybe five, we do not know yet.”

Meanwhile, Ferrari’s Fernando Alonso said yesterday he did not care about the race for second spot in the Formula One championship and would just try to enjoy the year’s final events.

The two-time champion from Spain is third in the standings behind newly recrowned champion Vettel and Briton Jenson Button of McLaren, with four races remaining.

“I will try to win one race if possible, but we know that it is going to be difficult,” he said.

“Red Bull will remain favorites for the remaining races and McLaren is strong in this part of the championship so we know it will be difficult.

“Once you cannot be champion there is no big interest.”


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지난 9일 일본 스즈카에서 열린 F1 2011-2012 시즌 15번째 경기에서 베텔은 3위로 결승선을 통과했다. 베텔은 드라이버 포인트에서 324점을 획득해 남은 4번의 경기와 상관없이 이번 시즌 드라이버스 챔피언십 우승을 확정지었다.

베텔은 "많은 이들이 우리가 우승할거라고 확신하는 가운데, 긴장을 늦추기 않고 모든 레이스 하나하나에 집중할 수 있도록 최선을 다했다"며 "아직 4개의 경기를 남겨놓은 상황에서 두 번째 챔피언십 타이틀을 달성한 것은 생애 첫 우승만큼이나 벅찬 결과"라고 말했다.

또 "우리는 단 2대의 머신과 2명의 드라이버가 모든 기술진과 스텝들의 노력을 대표해 매번 트랙에 나선다. 여기에 열성적인 팬들까지 함께 한다는 것은 그 자체가 도전이고 인생인 것 같다"며 소감을 밝혔다.

크리스찬 호너 레드불 레이싱 팀 대표는 "올해 세바스찬은 멜버른에서 열린 첫 레이스 때부터 이미 이번 시즌 경기를 제압해왔고, 챔피언 타이틀을 얻을 충분한 자격이 된다"고 평가하며 "오늘의 경기로 레드불 레이싱 팀은 130 포인트를 앞서 나가 컨스트럭터스 챔피언십 타이틀에 한층 가까이 다가갈 것"이라고 말했다.

레드불 레이싱팀은 이번 경기 결과 518점으로 2위 맥라렌과의 격차를 130점으로 벌리며, 컨스트럭터스(팀) 월드 챔피언십 2년 연속 우승을 앞두고 있다.

한편 다음 경기는 16일 전라남도 영암 코리아 인터내셔널 서킷에서 개최되는 `2011 F1 코리아 그랑프리`에서 볼 수 있다.
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