Ku Hye-sun the face of Busan 3-D fest

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Ku Hye-sun the face of Busan 3-D fest


Ku Hye-sun

Actress Ku Hye-sun has been named an honorary ambassador of the International 3-D Festival that will take place in Busan next week.

At the event co-hosted by the city of Busan and the Korea Communications Commission, Ku will act as a spokesperson and take part in fan meets.

The creative content forum founded this year aims to celebrate 3-D creations and awards innovators in the field.

Ku’s film “Pieces of Memory” has been picked as one of the best 3-D works of the year and will be screened at the festival. The Hallyu star directed the film, which centers on a man who is reflecting on decisions made in his past.

Even though she made her debut as an actress, Ku crossed to the other side of the camera in 2010 when she directed “Magic.”

Most recently, Ku released her second full-length feature “Peach Tree,” which is about the complicated lives of conjoined twins who are pursuing their love interests.
By Carla Sunwoo
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