Miss Gold happy to marry

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Miss Gold happy to marry


Yang Jung-ah

Actress Yang Jung-ah of the KBS drama “My Husband Got a Family,” also widely known as “Unexpected You,” got married yesterday at the Seoul Coex Intercontinental Hotel in Gangnam, southern Seoul.

Prior to the wedding ceremony, she met with the reporters to share her excitement.

“I’m no longer single,” she said before she tied the knot with a groom who is three years younger than she is.

“I’m so thankful for my husband, and as I’m getting married late I’ll try to have more fun and a happy life together.”

She met her husband through a mutual acquaintance in August. Reportedly, she was attracted to how trustworthy he seemed.

Yang, who is 42 years old, made her debut in 1992. She garnered the nickname “Gold Miss” after she participated in the entertainment show “Gold Miss Is Coming” in 2008.

“I’m sorry for Park So-hyun and Ye Ji-won,” she said, referring to co-stars on the program that arranged meetings between single men and women. Her co-stars have not gotten married yet.

By Lee Sun-min

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