Williams’ death ruled suicide

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Williams’ death ruled suicide

LOS ANGELES - The death in August of Academy Award-winning actor Robin Williams has officially been ruled a suicide, Marin County authorities said on Friday following an investigation and toxicology tests on the comedian’s body.

The 63-year-old Williams, whose body was found on Aug. 11 by a personal assistant at his home in Tiburon, in California’s San Francisco Bay Area, died of asphyxia due to hanging, the Marin County Sheriff’s Office said in a statement.

That was the same finding sheriff’s officials made in their preliminary conclusion.

Williams was suffering from the early stages of Parkinson’s disease and from severe depression, his widow, Susan Schneider, said soon after his death.

He had not been ready to share his diagnosis with the public, she said.

A toxicology test on Williams’ body revealed the absence of alcohol or illicit drugs in his system.

Prescription medications were detected in concentrations consistent with their use for therapeutic purposes, the statement from the Marin County Sheriff’s Office said on Friday.


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