80-year-old makes history as oldest contestant in Miss Universe Korea

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80-year-old makes history as oldest contestant in Miss Universe Korea

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Senior model Choi Soon-hwa [SCREEN CAPTURE]

Senior model Choi Soon-hwa [SCREEN CAPTURE]

Model Choi Soon-hwa is competing in Miss Universe Korea as its oldest-ever participant. 
The 80-year-old is one of 31 finalists in this year's pageant. If she wins the final round in Seoul on Monday, she will represent Korea at the Miss Universe final in Mexico in November.

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As of Tuesday, the oldest confirmed participant in the Miss Universe pageant in Mexico is Beatrice Njoya, 40, the winner of Miss Universe Malta 2024.  

In an interview with CNN, Choi expressed her desire to "stun the world," saying, "How is an 80-year-old lady so healthy? How did she maintain that body? What’s your diet?"
“When you get old, you gain weight,” she said. “So, I want to show that we can live healthily even when we get old.”  
Previously, Miss Universe had allowed only women aged 18 to 28 to participate until this year when it scrapped the age limit following calls for modernization. The competition now also welcomes pregnant women and mothers.

BY LEE JIAN [lee.jian@joongang.co.kr]
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