Walking alongside Nakdong River

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Walking alongside Nakdong River


The Nakdong riverside is perfect for taking a walk. In particular, the locale features a hypnotic sunset over the scenic river. The photograph was taken by our foreign reporter Liezel.

When I arrived in Busan three years ago, I already went to different places and enjoyed the views so much. Every season has its own amazing scenery and enjoyable activities.


Liezel Rabasto / an employee of United Seamen's Service

Recently, I urged myself to go for a walk as my workout and decided to do it after work. Because I am near the Nakdong River, I went there and started my first walking regime.

I was first amazed by the beauty of the surroundings, the calmness of the river and most of all, the sunset caught my attention. It was awesome. I felt as if I was in my hometown. I really loved watching the sunset when I was in my homeland and now doing it here in Busan is an added bonus.

Busan has many places to enjoy walking, jogging or biking. Busan people love doing these hobbies even in their busy lives from youth to old age. I think of it as their daily workout to stay active. It inspires me to do the same.

Preparing for my first walk, I got my headset and K-pop music ready before heading to the riverside. My first day was just enjoying the view, taking photos along my way and capturing the sunset. I did not think of the walking itself, unknowingly did my first 5-kilometer (3-mile) walk. The first day was just like adjusting to my new route, new hobby and new goal to achieve. Day after day, I enjoyed going there; sometimes bringing my "Dynamic Busan" copy I got from my work's magazine stand and reading it first before starting to walk. Occasionally I also stopped by one of the small parks to take a rest, watch the kids play, or just plainly sit on a bench while appreciating the nice weather. Some people did not miss going there for a walk or jog, even during the rainy days. They just brought their umbrellas and it was as if they were saying, "It is my workout time. I do not care if it is going to rain or not."

My walking experience at Nakdong River is such a fun way to keep healthy. I'm sure that you can feel better and be inspired by the natural environment.So, how about getting some fresh air?

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