Godmother of golf retires

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Godmother of golf retires


Pak Se-ri, an inspiring figure in Korea who became famous with her 1997 performance during the U.S. Women’s Open, bid her farewell to the LPGA on Thursday during her retirement ceremony after the first round of the LPGA KEB Hana Bank Championship in Incheon, Korea. [LIM HYUN-DONG]

1997년에 LPGA 메이저 US여자오픈 우승으로 후배 골프 선수들의 모델이 된 박세리 선수가 목요일 인천에서 열린 LPGA KEB하나은행 챔피언십 1라운드 후에 은퇴식에서 작별 인사를 하고 있다. [임현동 기자]

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