[CARD NEWS] Ms. President, it’s time to be investigated.

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[CARD NEWS] Ms. President, it’s time to be investigated.


Ms. President, it’s time to be investigated.


1) “Now, I want to make public my decision.”
Yesterday afternoon, people across the nation focused their attention on the third public statement issued by President Park Geun-hye.

2) The gist of her statement was that she will let the National Assembly decide the fate of her presidency, including a plan to shorten her presidential term.
However, her apology was once again far from enough to relieve people’s deep despair.

3) “Not for a single moment did I pursue my own gain.”
“I pursued [my policies] in the belief that they are public projects beneficial to the country.”
“Failing to properly manage the people around me was my greatest fault.”
- President Park’s statement on Nov. 29th

4) Not pursuing personal gain, for the country, failing to manage her surroundings…
Don’t these words sound repetitive?

5) “I did so with the innocent intention to be meticulous…”
- from President Park’s first public apology on Oct. 25th

6) “I launched these businesses in a wish to improve the national economy and people’s lives, but I feel great regret that a certain individual apparently abused them for profit and committed various legal violations in the process.”
- President Park’s second statement on Nov. 4th

7) Yes, we find no difference from the past.
The president’s recognition of this situation has never changed, as she refuses to acknowledge her allegations under the excuses of innocent intentions and helping the people.
“I launched these businesses in a wish to improve the national economy and people’s lives.”

8) “The special investigation team concluded that the president colluded with Choi, An and Jeong for most of their crimes.”
President Park doesn’t seem to care that the prosecution labeled her “a practical accomplice” on the arraignments of three people.

9) ”It’s hard to be investigated now as my lawyer has just been appointed.”
“Next week, it might be possible to start the investigation.”
President Park has postponed the prosecution’s probe.
She even made it clear that she will refuse to cooperate with the prosecution’s probe, criticizing the prosecution’s decision as “a house of cards consisting of imagination and speculation.”

10) Then she said she will “prepare for a future probe by a neutral independent counsel.”
Opposition lawmakers reacted sensitively to this remark, which suggested that she may not cooperate with the future independent counsel, using the excuse of “neutrality.”

11) Opposition parties Tuesday recommended Cho Seung-sik, a former director of the criminal investigation bureau at the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office, and Park Young-soo, a former head of the Seoul High Prosecutor’s Office, as two candidates to lead the independent counsel.
Park has until Dec. 2 to choose one of the candidates to lead the counsel.

12) President Park never admitted to any of the allegations, not even once, from the first to the third statements she issued.
“I will make public the details about the scandal in the near future.”
Isn’t this what you said, Ms. President?
The independent counsel is your chance.

13) JoongAng Ilbo
Okay, it’s time to be investigated.
At the very least, President Park must voluntarily cooperate with the independent counsel investigation to determine the truth.
If she once again tries to evade even the independent counsel investigation with such excuses like “unfairness,” she shall not be recognized as a president who stood for the people.
- a JoongAng Ilbo editorial
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