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New team


President Moon Jae-in and newly appointed aides stroll inside the Blue House after a luncheon on Thursday. From left: Senior Civil Affairs Secretary Cho Kuk; Kwun Hyuk-ki, head of the presidential press center; President Moon; Secretary for General Affairs Lee Joung-do; Senior Personnel Affairs Secretary Cho Hyun-ock; Song In-bae, former member of Moon’s campaign; Senior Public Affairs Secretary Yoon Young-chan and Presidential Chief of Staff Im Jong-seok.


문재인 대통령이 새로 임명한 비서관들과 목요일 오찬을 갖은 후 청와대 소공원에서 산책하고 있다. 왼쪽부터, 조국 민정수석, 권혁기 춘추관장, 문 대통령, 이정도 총무비서관, 조현옥 인사수석, 송인배 전 더불어민주당 선대위 일정총괄팀장, 윤영찬 홍보수석, 임종석 비서실장.

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