Park Yoo-chun splits with his fiancee

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Park Yoo-chun splits with his fiancee

Singer and actor Park Yoo-chun has split up with his fiancee, his agency said Tuesday.

The 32-year-old Park had been dating a granddaughter of the founder of dairy giant Namyang Dairy Products Co. since 2016 and in September last year announced plans to marry the woman, who is surnamed Hwang.

“Park Yoo-chun recently ended his relationship with Hwang,” an official at C-JeS Entertainment said.

Reasons for the breakup were not given, with the official only saying that “I beg for your understanding. We cannot give you any more details because of his privacy.”

Rumors of the couple’s separation have been swirling since the marriage plan did not come to fruition without any clear reasons given. Park’s agency said at that time the plan was pushed back, but did not give a set date.

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