Korean Eye returns

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Korean Eye returns


From left, Ji Sung-kyu, CEO of KEB Hana Bank; Philippa Adams, director of the London-based Saatchi Gallery; Serenella and David Ciclitira, art collectors and founders of the London-based company for art programs Parallel Contemporary Art (PCA); and Korean artist Lee Sae Hyun pose at the bank’s headquarters in central Seoul on Thursday after announcing the return of the Korean Eye exhibition that introduces emerging Korean artists in Europe in 2020. PCA held the Korean Eye show at the Saatchi Gallery between 2009 and 2012 annually and then extended it into the “Global Eye” program to promote other Asian contemporary art in Europe. “Seeing the growth of K pop over the last 10 years - the emergence of BTS in particular - I felt we are prepared to bring new waves of young Korean artists again,” David Ciclitira said. The 2020 show, sponsored by KEB Hana Bank, will be co-curated by Saatchi director Adams and Dimitri Ozerkov of the State Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia, and will take place in turn at the Russian museum, at the London gallery and then in Seoul. [MOON SO-YOUNG]
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