Masks a must

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Masks a must

Campaigners hold cards reading "Wear a mask" on Haeundae Beach, one of the most visited beaches in Busan, on July 22, behind a sand sculpture with the same message. From July 25, visitors to five main beaches in Busan including Haeundae are required to wear a mask and will be fined a maximum of 3 million won ($2,500) if spotted without one. [YONHAP]

Campaigners hold cards reading "Wear a mask" on Haeundae Beach, one of the most visited beaches in Busan, on July 22, behind a sand sculpture with the same message. From July 25, visitors to five main beaches in Busan including Haeundae are required to wear a mask and will be fined a maximum of 3 million won ($2,500) if spotted without one. [YONHAP]

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