Haeundae's food stalls are demolished

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Haeundae's food stalls are demolished

Korean food stalls, operating since 1980 behind Haeundae Beach in Haeundae District, Busan, are demolished Tuesday. [YONHAP]

Korean food stalls, operating since 1980 behind Haeundae Beach in Haeundae District, Busan, are demolished Tuesday. [YONHAP]

Korean food stalls, operating since 1980 behind Haeundae Beach in Haeundae District, Busan, are demolished Tuesday.
Originally, Haeundae District had planned to demolish the food stall village at the end of last January, but faced strong resistance as merchants there requested a year extension.
However, a voluntarily dismantlement of the stalls was agreed upon. Some 39 establishments voluntarily removed their structures on Monday.
The district planned to deploy 69 employees along with forklifts and cranes to clean up the place starting from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

BY CHOI HAE-JIN [choi.haejin@joongang.co.kr]
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