'New Year Blues'

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'New Year Blues'

 From left, director Hong Ji-young, actors Kim Kang-woo, Lee Yeon-hee, Yoo Yeon-seok, Yeom Hye-ran, Lee Dong-hwi, Choi Soo-young and Teo Yoo pose for the camera at an online press event for upcoming film "New Year Blues" held on Tuesday. [ACEMAKER MOVIEWORKS]

From left, director Hong Ji-young, actors Kim Kang-woo, Lee Yeon-hee, Yoo Yeon-seok, Yeom Hye-ran, Lee Dong-hwi, Choi Soo-young and Teo Yoo pose for the camera at an online press event for upcoming film "New Year Blues" held on Tuesday. [ACEMAKER MOVIEWORKS]

From left, director Hong Ji-young, actors Kim Kang-woo, Lee Yeon-hee, Yoo Yeon-seok, Yeom Hye-ran, Lee Dong-hwi, Choi Soo-young and Teo Yoo pose for the camera at an online press event for upcoming film "New Year Blues" held on Tuesday. "New Year Blues" is a romantic comedy that tells the story of four couples in the last week before the new year. [ACEMAKER MOVIEWORKS]
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