CHA Healthcare acquires western Australia fertility center

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CHA Healthcare acquires western Australia fertility center

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CHA Healthcare acquired Fertility Specialists of Western Australia (FSWA), the biggest in vitro fertilization (IVF) center in western Australia. 
Established in 2006, FSWA owns two IVF centers in Perth and conducts over 1,200 vitro fertilizations every year, nearly 30 percent of the total in Perth annually.
The acquisition is in line with CHA Healthcare's efforts to strengthen its presence in the Australian fertility treatment market. CHA acquired an undisclosed stake in City Fertility, a Queensland-based infertility center, in 2018. 
CHA currently runs around 16 infertility centers in Australia. With the latest investment, the number will grow to 18.
One out of nine couples in Australia suffers from infertility, while around 4.9 percent of all babies were born through IVFs in 2019. 
"We aim to expand our network to Southeast Asian countries like Vietnam and Indonesia, using Australia as the bridgehead," said Cho Seong-soo, CEO of CHA Healthcare.

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