Seeing gold

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Seeing gold

World No. 1 Kim Min-sun in action during the women's 500-meter race at the ISU Speed Skating World Cup in Heerenveen, Netherlands on Sunday. Kim went on to win the gold medal with a time of 37.21 seconds, 0.01 seconds behind her personal best set on Dec. 10, 2021. This comes as her second 500-meter gold medal in just 10 days after winning the women's 500 meters at Stavanger, Norway on Nov. 11. [EPA/YONHAP]

World No. 1 Kim Min-sun in action during the women's 500-meter race at the ISU Speed Skating World Cup in Heerenveen, Netherlands on Sunday. Kim went on to win the gold medal with a time of 37.21 seconds, 0.01 seconds behind her personal best set on Dec. 10, 2021. This comes as her second 500-meter gold medal in just 10 days after winning the women's 500 meters at Stavanger, Norway on Nov. 11. [EPA/YONHAP]

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