North warns Japan of 'concrete action' if Tokyo exercises counterstrike capabilities

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North warns Japan of 'concrete action' if Tokyo exercises counterstrike capabilities

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un watches the testing of a high-thrust solid-fuel engine solid missile fuel at North Korea’s Sohae Launching Ground on Thursday, according to Pyongyang’s state-owned media Korean Central News Agency. [YONHAP]

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un watches the testing of a high-thrust solid-fuel engine solid missile fuel at North Korea’s Sohae Launching Ground on Thursday, according to Pyongyang’s state-owned media Korean Central News Agency. [YONHAP]

The North Korean Foreign Ministry on Tuesday strongly warned Japan against exercising counterstrike capabilities, which were included in Tokyo’s revised national security strategy issued Friday.  
Pyongyang’s Foreign Ministry said if Japan choses to use its counterstrike capabilities, it will respond with concrete action.

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