Chinese national who fled quarantine has been apprehended

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Chinese national who fled quarantine has been apprehended

The Chinese infected with Covid-19 that bolted after arriving in Korea escorted to a hotel in Incheon, on Thursday. [YONHAP]

The Chinese infected with Covid-19 that bolted after arriving in Korea escorted to a hotel in Incheon, on Thursday. [YONHAP]

A Chinese national who left a state-run quarantine facility after testing positive for Covid-19 was apprehended in Seoul on Thursday.
The police tracked down the 41-year-old at a hotel in Jung District, central Seoul, at around 12:55 p.m.
The person is accused of refusing to quarantine and fleeing while near a quarantine hotel on Yeongjong Island in Incheon at 10:04 p.m. on Tuesday.
"We are in the process of moving the Chinese national to a quarantine facility," said a police officer.
The person is being taken to quarantine again in Incheon, according to the police. 
"We will make sure to respond strictly to similar cases that threaten public health," the officer said. 
The police will further investigate the reason for the flight of the person and where the person went. 
On Wednesday, officers warned the person, if apprehended, could face up to a year in prison or a fine of up to 10 million won ($7,900), deportation and restrictions on future entry into Korea. 

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