Incheon Nat'l University hosts homecoming event for foreign alums

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Incheon Nat'l University hosts homecoming event for foreign alums

Incheon National University President Park Jong-tae and the University of University of Malaga Chancellor José Ángel Narváez, center, poses with staff and foreign alums during a homecoming event held at a hotel in Incheon on Thursday. [INCHEON NATIONAL UNIVERSITY]

Incheon National University President Park Jong-tae and the University of University of Malaga Chancellor José Ángel Narváez, center, poses with staff and foreign alums during a homecoming event held at a hotel in Incheon on Thursday. [INCHEON NATIONAL UNIVERSITY]

Incheon National University held a two-day homecoming event for its foreign graduates.
The university on Friday said the event was held to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the school becoming a national university from a city university.
The first of its kind, the event hosted some 70 alums from 12 regions, including the United States, France, Italy, Spain, China, Japan, Taiwan and Trinidad and Tobago.
"I thank every foreign alum who has taken interest and participated in the homecoming, which is the first in celebrating the institution becoming a national university 10 years ago," Park Jong-tae, the university's president, said.
He asked the alums to represent the school and serve as its ambassadors.
The University of Malaga President José Ángel Narváez, who was visiting Incheon, attended the event and said he could see how the school treats its students through the event.
He said he believes the school will continue leading Korea's higher education.

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