Incheon National University, historic St. John's College sign 'Great Books' partnership

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Incheon National University, historic St. John's College sign 'Great Books' partnership

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Nora Demleitner, president of St. John’s College, center left, and Park Jong-tae, president of Incheon National University (INU), center right, take a photo last week during a visit by a delegation from the American college to INU’s campus in Incheon in a photo released on Friday. [INCHEON NATIONAL UNIVERSITY]

Nora Demleitner, president of St. John’s College, center left, and Park Jong-tae, president of Incheon National University (INU), center right, take a photo last week during a visit by a delegation from the American college to INU’s campus in Incheon in a photo released on Friday. [INCHEON NATIONAL UNIVERSITY]

Incheon National University (INU) and St. John’s College signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on Wednesday to promote student and faculty exchanges in literature education.
St. John's College is located in Maryland, United States. It was founded in 1696 and is one of the oldest institutions of higher learning in the country. 
Park Jong-tae, president of INU, expressed his hope for an education partnership that can help the world navigate “the current global situation filled with challenges and uncertainties” during the MOU signing ceremony on its campus in Incheon on the same day. Park also underscored the “importance of great books that connect the history and future." 
The partnership will center on a discussion-based literature program, "Great Books,” developed by St. John's College in 1937. The seminar-style program allows students to explore the writings of great thinkers and “discuss interdisciplinary ideas across the humanities and sciences."  

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INU adopted and rolled out the program in 2019. It localized its offerings to expand its educational impact on society by allowing residents and students to participate in the Great Books program.
Three undergraduate students from St. John's College are participating in the summer internship program at the Great Books Center at INU's Haksan Library.
Tutors from St. John's College will manage and oversee the program at INU in the upcoming fall semester.
Nora Demleitner, president of St. John's College, said during her visit to Incheon on May 25 that the Great Books program could expand cooperation and exchanges between the two schools.
She added that she was happy to see that Lee Yong-hwa, an alumnus of St. John's College and a professor at INU, runs the Great Books program at INU.
INU said it hopes that its Great Books program will provide Koreans of all ages with the joy of learning and an alternative to Korean education.

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