tripleS’ subunit LOVElution to begin first world tour in U.S.

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tripleS’ subunit LOVElution to begin first world tour in U.S.

LOVElution, girl group tripleS' fourth subunit [MODHAUS]

LOVElution, girl group tripleS' fourth subunit [MODHAUS]

tripleS’ subunit LOVElution will begin its first world tour in 10 U.S. cities starting September, the girl group’s agency Modhaus said Monday.
Titled “tripleS 1st World Tour ‘Authentic’ LOVElution in US,” the subunit will kick off the tour on Sept. 24 in Atlanta, followed by performances in Reading, Chicago, New York, Tysons, Akron, Kansas City, Houston, Fort Worth, ending with a performance in Los Angeles on Oct. 14.
tripleS LOVElution is the girl group’s fourth subunit created through a fan ballot. Its eight members are Gong Yu-bin, Yoon Seo-yeon, Kaede, Seo Da-hyun, Park So-hyun, Jeong Hye-rin, Nien and Xinyu.
The subunit will drop its debut album “ↀ” on Aug. 17.
tripleS is agency Modhaus’ first girl group, revealed in May 2022. Though it aspires to 24 members, tripleS currently has 16. The group will feature multiple subunits, including Acid Angel from Asia, +(KR)ystal Eyes, Acid Eyes, LOVElution and EVOLution, all created through fan voting.
To find out more about tripleS and its subunits, visit
Poster announcing girl group tripleS' first world tour ″Authentic″ featuring its subunit LOVElution [MODHAUS]

Poster announcing girl group tripleS' first world tour ″Authentic″ featuring its subunit LOVElution [MODHAUS]


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