Despite increased security, a man attacks and rapes a woman in Sillim-dong

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Despite increased security, a man attacks and rapes a woman in Sillim-dong

 A woman prays for the young man, who lost his life after being attacked randomly by 33 year-old Cho Sun in Silim-dong last month. An assault and rape case occured at a park in the same neighborhood despite increased police presence. [YONHAP]

A woman prays for the young man, who lost his life after being attacked randomly by 33 year-old Cho Sun in Silim-dong last month. An assault and rape case occured at a park in the same neighborhood despite increased police presence. [YONHAP]

 A man in his 30s reportedly assaulted and raped a woman at a park in broad daylight in Silim-dong, Gwanak District, Seoul.
According to the police, a person walking through the park in Silim heard the victim scream for help and promptly contacted the police at 11:44 a.m.
Law enforcement apprehended the assailant at 12:10 p.m.
The suspect allegedly assaulted the woman using brass knuckles and subsequently raped her.
Despite being swiftly taken to a hospital, the woman is presently in critical condition.
Just last month, a 33-year-old named Cho Sun attacked four individuals near Silim station with a knife, resulting in the death of one person.

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