Trek to show off high-end bikes at Project One Showcase

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Trek to show off high-end bikes at Project One Showcase

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Chroma Ultra-Iridescent [TREK BICYCLE CORPORATION]

Chroma Ultra-Iridescent [TREK BICYCLE CORPORATION]

U.S. performance bike brand Trek will display some of its most high-end bikes at the Project One Showcase at SJ Kunsthalle in southern Seoul on Saturday, Trek Bicycle Korea announced Tuesday.
Trek is a bicycle and cycling product manufacturer from the United States and has distributors in 90 countries worldwide.  
During the showcase, customers can see premium bikes like the Chroma Ultra-iridescent — the model used in the world’s most prestigious cycling tournament, the Tour de France.  
Real Smoke — a model with a handcrafted paint scheme that uses actual soot to design the pattern — will also be on display.  
Trek will also hold an event in which customers can customize their own bike by choosing every part of the bike, from the frame to the wheels.  
“We decided to hold the world’s first special showcase in order to meet Korean consumers’ preferences that have been gaining attention in the global market and the increasing demand for premium bikes in Korea,” Trek Bicycle Korea CEO Jin Jung-tae said. “We will continue to approach customers with Trek’s exclusive products and events and we will also work to grow the bike culture in Korea.”
First founded in 1976 in Wisconsin, Trek entered the Korean market by establishing an affiliate company in 2011. As of January 2023, there are 18 stores directly managed by the company and 100 retail stores in Korea.

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